I recently watched the movie Lone Survivor. The movie is based on a true story about a special forces operation gone bad, in Afghanistan in 2005.
Three of the four Navy SEALS involved in the operation died, and the fourth, Marcus Luttrell, was nearly killed by the Taliban right before his rescue.
The operation is detailed in the movie, but it went wrong because some Taliban friendly herdsman discovered the special operators during the mission. LT Michael Murphy (later awarded the Medal of Honor) called off the operation, and the SEALS tried to get out of the area.
Unfortunately the herdsman ratted them out to the Taliban, and big gun fight ensued. The Taliban also brought rocket propelled grenades and a whole of bunch of their fighters to the fight against only 4 operators.
A helicopter came to the aid of the American soldiers, only to be shot down by a rocket propelled grenade, killing another 16 soldiers and SEALS.
Throughout their fight, the SEALS gave better than they got, and fought while trying to escape the Taliban assault. They took heavy gunfire, grenade explosions, and rough terrain during the fight.
Throughout the fight, they depended upon their military gear — weapons, clothing, packs — to get them through. And the despite falling down the sides of mountains, being dashed against rocks, and taking withering enemy fire, the SEALS and their gear held up very well.
Every piece of gear that is supplied to the US and Allied military undergoes rigorous testing and performance evaluations before it can be placed in the hands of troops.
This military standard testing is essential.

Global Energy Labs is providing military standard and specifications testing, which includes the following military standard testing services in accordance with MIL-STD-810:
– Low pressure (altitude)
– High temperature
– Low temperature
– Temperature shock
– Contamination by fluids
– Solar radiation
– Rain
– Humidity
– Fungus
– Salt fog
– Sand and dust
– Explosive atmosphere
– Immersion
– Acceleration
– Vibration
– Acoustic noise
– Shock
– Pyroshock
– Acidic atmosphere
– Gunfire shock
– Temperature, humidity, vibration, and altitude
– Icing and freezing rain
– Ballistic shock
– Vibro-acoustic/temperature testing
– Freeze / thaw testing
– Time waveform replication
– Multi-exciter test
– Mechanical vibration of shipboard equipment
For each one of these testing services, each scenario and your particular requirements may be different, so we will need to do a customized testing estimate.
Contact us here so we can get started doing military standard and specification testing for you!
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