When there are large chemical storage tanks right next to a river that serves as a city’s water supply, it pays to be vigilant!
Recently, in West Virginia, some of the local citizens found that their water was starting to smell like licorice. At the same time, the local hospital was having people show up into the ER with eye, skin, and respiratory irritation.
The West Virginia state department of environmental protection was searching all over for the source. They ultimately found that a company with large chemical storage tanks right next to the river had one of the tanks with a leak, caused by corrosion that made it to the inside of the tank.
Because it was next to the river, there was a containment system, but that had some holes in it, so anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 gallons of this “licorice smelling” chemical made it into the river.
One of the things that helped pinpoint what was causing the problem was the chemical’s safety data sheet (SDS). On the SDS from the manufacturer was description of the chemical, the info that it could cause eye, skin, and breathing problems, AND the info. that it smelled just like licorice. Really strong, toxic licorice!
Safety data sheets are a necessary tool in the modern era, with so many chemicals and products in the marketplace.Safety data sheets (they used to be called material safety data sheets, or MSDSs) are now done not only in accordance with US OSHA standards, but also meet the requirements of the UN Globally Harmonized System Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). This is a 16 section, in depth description of the chemical.
In order to create the SDS, chemical analysis must be done to prove up what is in it. Then, we can use available test results (or do our own testing) to determine what effects it has on animals and the environment.
Global Energy Labs is now helping clients take care of their SDS testing, authoring, and SDS management.
(1) We can take the chemical or product and do thorough chemical and other testing on it.
(2) We then use that information to create the SDS according to all the necessary US and UN specifications.
(3) We quickly send to you the SDS in whatever formats you need, and we can further manage this SDS and all your other SDSs if needed.
To get us started on SDS testing, SDS authoring, or SDS management, go here!
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