I’ve been trying to read several of the classics in literature this summer.
Recently, I read Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. That was a dark story (imagine that) about the ivory trade in Africa in the 1800s.
Then I was off to another nightmare, this time in the future. I read Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell. Seriously, that book could give you nightmares.
Next I decided to lighten it up a bit, so, I devoured Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson.
What a great book Treasure Island is!
I’m not going to rehash it for you point by point. You should pick it up on the cheap and give it a read.
However, one of the interesting features to the story is the treasure map.
It’s treated as a prize possession by the treasure seekers — and rightly so.
The pirates end up with the map near the end, and set off to steal the treasure.
But, the pirates discover — to their horror — that the treasure has been taken. It’s been relocated by none other than Ben Gunn, a man that the pirates took for a dimwit.
In the end, the treasure hunters (the good guys) team up with Ben Gunn and get the treasure off the island.
The hunters leave most of the pirates — except for cunning Long John Silver — marooned on the island.
The same type of thing is going on in the search for frac sand.
It’s hard to tell who the “good guys” are, and who the “pirates” are.
You probably need someone to help read that frac sand “treasure map.”
Here’s how to tell if you might actually have frac sand:
- The size of the sand is correct and desired by the customer. The customers are desiring multiple sizes, depending on their job. This size can be determined with a sieve test.
- The sand particles are round and spherical. This is found by using the “old school” roundness and sphericity test.
With the results of those two tests, you can decide whether or not it makes sense to do further testing with your sand.
Of the remaining additional tests that you can do, a crush resistance test will definitely tell you whether or not your “gunpowder is dry” and you might have a chance of selling your sand to the market. This is done by seeing what pressure your sand will withstand before breaking into small pieces.
If you want to find out if your frac sand is a treasure, consider bringing us onto your team to do testing.
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