Syria, Miley Cyrus, and frac sand

Been reading the news lately?

If you read the news at all, many of the headlines you see lately have to do with Syria and Miley Cyrus. Not frac sand. Ha

Someone in Syria used chemical weapons on civilians, innocent women and children (or so we are told).

The leader of Syria, Assad, says that he didn’t do it!

The rebels claim to have done it, but who knows. Perhaps they are saying that to get the US to strike and get rid of Assad.

The United States started out by saying that use of chemical weapons would “cross the red line.”

Then when President Obama was pressed on the “red line” issue, he said that he didn’t set the red line.

Now it looks like Russian President Putin has brokered a deal where the weapons will be monitored, saving Assad from an attack by the US.

Now, it’s not my goal here to start some sort of political debate here, just highlight the fact that the Syria issue – and it’s a serious issue – is going to be somewhat resolved for the time being. It doesn’t look like the US will strike anytime soon, anyway.

Now how about that Miley Cyrus!

Miley Cyrus used to be Hannah Montana. Or so we are told. Heh.

Anyway, she caused an enormous “ruckus” at the MTV awards when she performed controversial “twerking” during her routine.

I didn’t even know what “twerking” was. Had to look it up.

Apparently it’s a combination of the words “twist” and “jerk,” and it means that the person doing the twerking is moving their body in a “sexually suggestive fashion.”

Funny thing (or sad thing?) about all this is, what do you think interests people more?

The life and death struggle going on in Syria, or Miley Cyrus’ “twerking”?

It’s Miley Cyrus! Apparently something like12 times as many people clicked on Miley Cyrus stories than clicked on Syria stories.

I wasn’t one of the people that spent a lot of time reading Miley Cyrus articles.


Lately I’ve been reading and researching on other markets where sand suppliers can sell their sand.

You see, very little of the silica sand out there can be used for hydraulic fracturing. The specs are so tight, that a few sharp corners on otherwise good sand will disqualify sand from being frac sand.

But, my good pal that owns a rail terminal service has pointed to several other markets that high quality silica sand can be sold to.

Water well drilling companies…

… tire manufacturers, and more.

So, at our lab we are busy getting information and contacts in those industrial sand markets.

We don’t act as a broker for your sand or anything (yet).

But we do link up folks with markets both inside and outside the frac sand industry.

And of course we do testing of sand, and a mighty fine job at that!.

Because even though you might have excellent silica sand, it might not quite be of frac sand quality.

But we still think you should get your sand to market, if possible.

We stand ready to work with you.

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