Testing and Taxes

You know the saying, that the only things that stay the same are death and taxes!

It’s the horrible season of taxes right now, and I hope that you escaped without losing too much hide!

At least we know that all of our hard earned money paid to the government is being used wisely (ha!).

I have intentionally stayed away from the news lately coming from the government, because some of the things that our tax dollars are spent on really gets me going!

And I remember that when I was working for the government, it was always kind of an “unsaid” rule that you should never EVER reduce your own budget for any reason.  

Because if you were efficient, and didn’t spend all your money, that amount would be subtracted the next year.

So, I remember this big push to order office supplies and other things at end of the fiscal year, in order to make sure the budget wasn’t reduced by a penny.

Talk about a great incentive — spend taxpayer money, even if you don’t really need what you’re buying, so we can spend the same amount of taxpayer money next year!

But, it’s one of those things that we know we have to deal with, those darn taxes.

Testing services is another thing that can be *painful* to have to get done.

But, instead of being wasted, your testing investment might discover some highly valuable information about  your material.

– Perhaps the old mining tailings pile on your property has valuable copper in it…

– Maybe the sand you have can be sold for other, higher dollar, uses …

 – Your soil might need a slight fertilizer adjustment, and the crops that you grow will be far more profitable!

You never do know what you might find out when ordering up some testing.

We at Global Energy Labs promise to be efficient with your testing dollars, and give you as much “bang for your buck” as we can.

To hire us is much easier than trying to interpret the new tax laws, visit us here!

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